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Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 18:39
by Buff Skeleton
qtit's ladder code, available here:

Code itself:

qtit wrote:I used for my ladders a touch function.

Code: Select all

// QLadder.
class QLadder expands Triggers;

function Touch( actor Other ) //actor touches the ladder, calls this function
   if( Pawn(Other) != None && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer ) //if actor is a player do...
      Other.SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); // this

function tick(float DeltaTime) //tick tock.
   local PlayerPawn pp; //define player class as pp

   foreach TouchingActors(class'PlayerPawn',pp) //for all touching actors, if they are pp
      if(pp.ViewRotation.Pitch < 57344 && pp.ViewRotation.Pitch > 40960) //at some point of view rotation do...
         pp.Velocity.Z = -140; // this.
      if(pp.ViewRotation.Pitch < 24576 && pp.ViewRotation.Pitch > 8192) //same as above.
         pp.Velocity.Z = 140;

function UnTouch( actor Other ) //when actor untouches...
   if( Pawn(Other) != None && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer ) //...and is a player...
      Other.SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); //... go down make boom!

It uses the view rotation to determine if player climbes or not.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 18:39
by Hellscrag
zacman wrote:Uh, I'd also like to use my weapons from UT Tactics (Available for Dload in the general gameplay section) I also wanna use my ZacmanDecos pack (Dload in Content Creation)

If you could re-post your downloads here then it's probably OK. Don't make us go hunting for the links, though.

Waffnuffly wrote:You can't use stuff you created earlier that wasn't meant for the contest, though. Sorry.

It's allowed if it's shared with everyone. But your map shouldn't rely on it for its wow factor. This contest is meant to be about mapping, not your abilities to create other custom content.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 18:42
by Buff Skeleton
Oh right, I'm thinking of map geometry, which you aren't supposed to rip from other stuff you created beforehand.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 18:43
by Hellscrag
Waffnuffly wrote:Oh right, I'm thinking of map geometry, which you aren't supposed to rip from other stuff you created beforehand.

Oh, yeah. Barring "limited use of prefabs", which the rules make provision for - e.g. I've borrowed some lantern brushes from DOM-TempoClasm.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 19:14
by UB_
Hellscrag wrote:If you could re-post your downloads here then it's probably OK. Don't make us go hunting for the links, though.

I've already added the links.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 10:03
by zacman
Hellscrag wrote:
zacman wrote:Uh, I'd also like to use my weapons from UT Tactics (Available for Dload in the general gameplay section) I also wanna use my ZacmanDecos pack (Dload in Content Creation)

If you could re-post your downloads here then it's probably OK. Don't make us go hunting for the links, though.

Waffnuffly wrote:You can't use stuff you created earlier that wasn't meant for the contest, though. Sorry.

It's allowed if it's shared with everyone. But your map shouldn't rely on it for its wow factor. This contest is meant to be about mapping, not your abilities to create other custom content.

I'm only really using the Zacmandecos.Celinglight...
It's really simple, just a triangle with a cut off top that glows...

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 10:04
by zacman
Waffnuffly wrote:You can't use stuff you created earlier that wasn't meant for the contest, though. Sorry.

These weapons are relatively new... I created them 3 weeks ago, so the contest was already on :lol:

Posted: 25 Jul 2009, 19:42
by Hellscrag
My map is now using the inventory killer trigger created by UArchitect for EXU2, with Waffnuffly's permission.

There's no compiled download for this, so if you intend to use it, you will need to compile it yourself - and, if you do, it might be able to give it your own distinctive classname to avoid conflict with other packages. For instance, mine is called a "VVVRemoveInventory".

Code: Select all

class RemoveInventory expands Triggers;

var() bool bInstigatorOnly,bTriggerOnceOnly;
var bool btriggered;

event Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
local pawn p;

   if((btriggered&&btriggeronceonly) || eventinstigator==none) return;
   if(btriggeronceonly&&btriggered) btriggered=true;

      foreach allactors(class'pawn',p)

simulated function removeinventoryfor(pawn p)
   local inventory i;


Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 22:52
by ividyon
Can I use a couple of pawns that .:..: made for me? There's no way for my entry to win anyway, so I don't think it should be that much of a problem..

Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 23:03
by Hellscrag
sana wrote:Can I use a couple of pawns that .:..: made for me? There's no way for my entry to win anyway, so I don't think it should be that much of a problem..

I guess the six hour entries are kinda anomalous anyway... so go ahead.